Wednesday, November 7, 2007

23 Things - Thing 2

Lifelong Learning - The Easiest and the Hardest

Ok, Thing 2 asked us to think about which of the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners would be the easiest and hardest for us to do. I've thought about it and I believe that the easiest thing for me to do will be habit 3 [which is View Problems as Challenges] because I try to do this will all the problems I come across. I think that this makes me a happier and more positive person as well as giving me a way to deal with difficult things that happen.

I think that hardest thing to do will be habit 1 [Begin with the end in mind] or habit 5 [Create your own learning toolbox]. Habit 1 because this will require me to think differently about certain things, I have not made a point of thinking where I will need to be or where I would like to be. Habit 5 because I am NOT organised. Sometimes I like living in chaos - it gives me all sorts of ideas [wicked giggle].

Anyway for more info (if you're interested) on the 7 1/2 habits have a look at

It's also worth figuring out how you learn things ie if you need to write something down for it to stick or if you need to actually do it to. Have a look at if you're curious.

1st post

Hi peoples - welcome to my first post. I've never had a blog before so this is going to be verrry interesting. Although I'm doing this as part of the Canberra Learning 2.0 I do intend to keep posting after the course is finished - provided I still have access to the internet of course. This is a bit of a bugbear for me and I'm sure I'll complain about it later.

Please note: also can't edit well. Thankyou to A for pointing out my error.