Tuesday, December 18, 2007

23 Things - Thing 23

Finally - the last thing. I've enjoyed parts of this, things like Flickr and LibraryThing and not enjoyed other things as much (especially when I had to rush through them or they didn't spark my interest) like Technorati and YouTube. But on the whole I think it's a really good idea. Especially to learn and think about and keep up with emerging trends and technologies. And if another program was offered I'd probably do that too (in fact I'm going to have a look at the 43 Things site) and at some point (in the neat future, I hope) I'm going to come back and thoroughly go over the 23 Things so you can expect more posts from me, about this, in the future. But now I can breath a big sigh of relief and take a break for Christmas.

23 Things - Thing 22

I love audio books. In fact I had a good look at the eaudio stuff when it first was introduced but I couldn't find anything I really wanted to listen to. But now there's heaps of stuff including a whole heap of JD Robb's (one of my fav's) but unfortunatly no Terry Pratchett.

List of J. D. Robb EAudio Books provided by the ACTLIS

23 Things - Thing 21

Podcasts are fun, but I'm on someone elses computer (remember no internet access at home) and having trouble accessing some of the files. I found one that looked really good but can't get it to play (I did get something else to play and I added one podcast to my bloglines account). I think the most important thing I found out is that I need a lot more time with this. There's masses to search and browse through but I'm tired and I've had enough.

23 Things - Thing 20

I've heard so much about YouTube but hadn't really bothered to explore it. Still don't feel as though I'm missing much. Well just a little. Also I can't use my work computer to access it and I feel uncomfortable using the general one. What I'm going do is put links to one of my favourite comedy sketches (Dr Who and the Curse of the Fatal Death) which I think everyone should see and not worry about putting in as a movie (maybe later).

Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVpKxgD-Zoc

Part 2.1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAHhuDOB5Bo

Part 2.2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXRmpm0MEMY

Thinking about how short videos could benefit a library, well you could make clips of demonstrations of things, a short intro & walkthroughs of libraries, clear directions on how to get there, storytimes, the possiblitities extend as far as your imagination and make the library more accessible and easier to understand through the internet. As for the YouTube site, it feels a lot like other sites we've been looking at through the 23 Things.

Monday, December 17, 2007

23 Things - Thing 19

Groan - so many things to look at, so little time.

I had a quick look at the fun web 2.o award winners and the games ones as well and the one I like best was the Guess the Google Image.

I'm not very good at it, but it's still fun. It was also interesting to see that a lot of the things we have been playing with over the last month or so are also listed like Technorati, Zoho and LibraryThing