Monday, December 3, 2007

23 Things - Thing 8

RSS Feeds is the focus of this thing, it's supposed to be one of the most difficult exercises but I think the biggest difficulty I had was to find uninterrupted time to explore and play with Bloglines. In fact that's been the most difficult thing so far. As I've mentioned before I don't have internet access at home, and at work there is limited time ( and mental resources) to get involved and interested in all of the things we are asked to do. Anyway back to RSS feeds. I like the idea of it - being able to keep up to date without having to visit masses of site etc. I have mostly book related feed on my bloglines account but that's going to change when I get around to adding my 'keep current with these authors' sites.
I was going to post the url to my bloglines but I can't seem to figure it out and I've run out of time so expect another post about this - I'm not giving up.

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