Wednesday, December 5, 2007

23 Things - Thing 9

Still RSS feeds - I like going to websites and look for the feed icon especially with the ones I check regularly. But I'm not as much a fan of trying to find ones that are relevant to me. This is probably because of two things. One - I'm not really into keeping up with news & current affairs stuff (and I couldn't think of anything fun that I really wanted to follow), I'm much more interested in what is happening to me at the moment. Two - I feel I might have got a little more out of things if I had a couple of hours of free time to play around with this, if fact with pretty much everything so far. I sound like a broken record saying time and time again that I don't have enough time (and not internet access at home) but I'm feeling pressured and my patience and tolerance is running a little short.

Don't mind me I'm just a little grumpy at the moment.

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